About PupperHaus

We are dog owners who love improving the quality of life our furry family members. That means continually finding and testing products that help them enjoy their lives more and longer, and keep them safer too.

The products we curate and make available on this site have thoroughly tested by us with our own pets. We guarantee your satisfaction with them. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our products or company. We are here to help!

Puppy Wally Jack at the beach Ellie hanging out on an outdoor sofa Wally siting in the sand Jack with his mom Sarge in the snow

Another big part of our lives is that we have own and operated a digital design and development studio in Boise, Idaho called Valitics for over 17 years. PupperHaus gives us an opportunity to combine two of our passions - pets and websites.

Get out there and have some fun!